
Comfort Care Home Health Services

Where quality Care Comes First
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When we are sick or when our independence declines during old age, we want to feel reassured that someone will be there to care for us. If someone in your family falls in a similar situation, you will want to do anything for them. In that case,  Comfort Care Home Health is committed to becoming your ally. Our team will care for your family as if it were our own.

Comfort Care Home Health privately operated and managed home care provider based in Silver Spring, Maryland. In order to serve the community, we apply our skills as nurses, home health aides, nutritionists, and caregivers. We visit clients at home so they won’t have to make the stressful trips to and from a care facility. If you live in our service area scope, you can request for our services. We look forward to caring for you!

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Contact Us

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PHONE: 240-621-7977

FAX: 240-558-3756

Email: comfort@comfortcarehhc.com

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Services Offered

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 Comfort Care Home health will arrange the home care plan for you, your loved one or your patient.

In every case we handle, we will be driven by compassion and kept motivated with the goal to achieve your utmost health following hospital discharge, a major surgery or as you grow into your senior years.

These are the services we offer

Comfort Care Home Health is staffed with companions who will keep the client company during the day…

HousekeepingWe will take care of household chores so you can concentrate on your health management or recovery…

Mobility Assistance
Comfort Care Home health will help disabled and mobility impaired individuals at home…

Nutrition GuidanceWe will promote your best health which we believe can be achieved with proper nutrition…

Personal Care Comfort Care Home health will assist you with personal hygiene maintenance and daily living activities…

Skilled Nursing
Comfort Care Home Health will administer nursing care procedures through a registered nurse or a nursing assistant under the supervision of a Registered Nurse…

We can easily arrange for health services to clients living in Silver Spring, Maryland and the surrounding areas included in our scope. Comfort Care Home health forward to providing you with the home care you need during a health crisis or as you age in place.

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Contact Details

  • Name Comfort Care Home Health Services
  • Full Address 3834 Tynewick Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20906, USA